Field Services


  • Container Storage
  • Export Loading
  • Container Technical Services
  • Shipment Tracking via the Internet
  • Goods Handling
  • Warehousing of Goods in Free Circulation After Importation
  • Shipping of goods to be warehoused from production site to our area

Container Technical Services

konteyner-teknik-hizmetleriLoss adjustment, container repair, maintenance and service are also offered in our container warehouse located on a flat area of 30.000 m2.

Condition of containers are checked and reported by our certified experts by considering their eligibility degrees required by the ship owners and leasing companies. Damaged containers repair and maintenance is performed by our expert staff in accordance with international standards in our well-equipped machine shop.

Export Shipping and Container Storage

Our container pick-up and delivery times are aimed to be at a level setting standards in the industry thanks to our state-of-the-art machine park and our team of experienced operators.

Owing to the checks for damage performed prior to the stacking of containers and final checks performed during the delivery of the containers, selection of the container is made according to the customer type and loading schedule of companies is not disrupted.